Testing the Automation

In this step we will test what we have built.

The steps required are:

  1. After saving the flow (last step on section #3), click on Test on the top right corner auto0
  2. Select Manually and click Test auto0
  3. Click Continue auto0
  4. Finally click on Run flow auto0
  5. You will be redirected to the results page. Status should be Your flow is running (this test takes around 15s). auto0
  6. You can see the status on each step, and clicking them you can see the details of inputs and outputs of each step. auto0
  7. After 15s-20s your flow should have run successfully auto0
  8. Let’s check the inserted data ! Go to the Fiori Launchpad and click on Manage Products auto0
  9. Filter by the 3 letter prefix you used on your Excel file (in this example PRD-) and click Go. You should see the inserted data. auto0

Congratulations ! You just created an automation, with zero lines of code, to bulk create new products on SAP using existing ODATA interfaces by uploading a simple Excel file to OneDrive ! This lab can be customized to include different triggers, like a button on a Power App or an event, or an email with specific words on the subject…