Building the Flow

In this step we will create the automation required to create products automatically on SAP via ODATA.

The steps required are:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the 9 dots Icon on the Top Left
  3. Select Power Apps (it can also be found under All Apps) Powerapp
  4. Go to Flows. Select New flow and pick the Instant cloud flow option. auto0
  5. Select the flow properties:
  • Name: Excel2SAPGateway
  • Trigger: Manually trigger a flow
  • Click Create auto0
  1. On the newly created flow, click on the New Step button to add a new step. auto0
  2. Filter by Excel Online, pick Excel Online (Business) and in Actions List rows present in a table (make sure you pick the Business version so it works with your Ofice365) auto0
  3. Fill the parameters for the Excel file to be used as input:
  • Location: OnceDrive for Business
  • Document library: OneDrive
  • File: Navigate to /Excel2SAP/NewProductList.xlsx
  • Click on New Step auto0
  1. Let’s get the SAP credentials for the SAP gateway. Go to Custom and pick the SAPGWDEMO connector created on step #1. auto0
  2. Under Actions, pick Get product auto0
  3. In the Get product Action, fill the required fields:
  • id: HT-1002 (must be an existing product under SAP Fiori ES5 Demo System)
  • x-csrf-token: fetch (we will query and store the token for access later on) auto0
  1. Now we are ready to scan the Excel file and line by line act upon the data. Add a new step, under Control called Apply to each. auto0
  2. Pick value from Dynamic content, under List rows present in a table. Add a new action. auto0
  3. Under Custom, pick SAPGWDEMO connector (inside the Apply to each loop) auto0
  4. Pick the Add product action auto0
  5. Fill the x-csrf-token with the Dynamic content from Get product auto0
  6. Fill x-ms-cookie-header with the Expression below, and click OK: replace(outputs('Get_product')['headers']['Set-Cookie'],',',';') auto0
  7. Fill the remaining parameters with the values:
  • ProductID: Dynamic Content Product ID from List rows present in a table
  • Type Code: Product (fixed value)
  • Category: Dynamic Content Product ID from List rows present in a table
  • Name: Dynamic Content Product ID from List rows present in a table
  • SupplierID: 0100000046 (fixed value)
  • Product Tax Code: 1 (fixed value)
  • Currency Code: United States Dollar (fixed value)
  • Price: Dynamic Content Price(USD) from List rows present in a table
  • Description: Dynamic Content Description from List rows present in a table
  • Unit of Measure: each (fixed value) auto0
  1. Our flow is ready ! Click SAVE auto0

Now you should have it all setup to test the Power Automate flow.

On the next section we will execute the test and see the data on SAP.