Create a Workflow

In this step we will create the Workflow on Azure Portal.

  1. Go to Logic Apps
  2. Click on your Logic App SAPDemo
  3. Go to Workflows and Add a new one as the parameters below: Logic App
  4. Click on Designer and let’s start building the Workflow!
  5. As the first operation, which starts the flow, we will pick When a HTTP request is received Logic App
  6. In order to customize the payload we expect, let’s Use a sample payload to generate schema
    • Sample payload: {"id": "0000000728"} Logic App
  7. This will generate a schema for the trigger Logic App
  8. Now we will create our temp variable to hold the desired part of the SAP reponse. Add a new action and type “initialize” on the search box. Select Initialize Variables Logic App
  9. In this step, we will create na empty array to store the data:
    • Name: outputArray
    • Type: Array
    • Value: [] Logic App
  10. Next we will invoke BAPI method in SAP by adding a new Action (make sure you select Azure ) called [BAPI] Call method in SAP Logic App
  11. Now we need to link this BAPI call with the On-premises Data Gateway we installed on Bastion Host. Click on Change connection Logic App
  12. An now we provide the connection information required so Logic Apps can communicate with SAP:
    • Connection Name: SAPS4CAL
    • DataGateway: Select your Gateway, in this case SapDemoGW
    • Client: 100
    • Auth: Basic
    • User: BPINST
    • Password: Welcome1
    • AS HOST: Public IP of your SAP HANA on SAP CAL (this IP will change if you shutdown SAP. You will have to follow the same procedure to manually update upon activation or resort to dynamic DNS)
    • AS SERVICE: 50000
    • Accept other defaults and click Create Logic App
  13. Logic App will test the connection and you should see the Connected status Logic App
  14. Now let’s setup the BAPI method to be invoked
    • Business Object: BUS2032:SalesOrder
    • Input: <GETSTATUS xmlns="http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03/Rfc/"><SALESDOCUMENT>xxx</SALESDOCUMENT></GETSTATUS>
    • Replace xxx on the above Input with a Dynamic Content id extracted from the trigger on step 7. Make sure there are no spaces between SALESDOCUMENT Logic App Logic App
  15. Add a new Parse JSON action Logic App
  16. In content use JsonResponse that will be passed by BAPI Logic App
  17. As we did on the initial step, select Use sample payload to generate schema and use the following JSON sample {"STATUSINFO":[{"DOC_NUMBER":"0000000728","DOC_DATE":"2018-11-06","PURCH_NO":"xcwer","PRC_STAT_H":"C","DLV_STAT_H":"C","REQ_DATE_H":"2018-11-06","DLV_BLOCK":"","ITM_NUMBER":"000010","MATERIAL":"CM-FL-V01","SHORT_TEXT":"Forklift","REQ_DATE":"2018-11-21","REQ_QTY":1.0,"CUM_CF_QTY":1.0,"SALES_UNIT":"ST","NET_VALUE":8000.0,"CURRENCY":"USD","NET_PRICE":8000.0,"COND_P_UNT":1.0,"COND_UNIT":"ST","DLV_STAT_I":"C","DELIV_NUMB":"","DELIV_ITEM":"000000","DELIV_DATE":"","DLV_QTY":0.0,"REF_QTY":0.0,"S_UNIT_ISO":"PCE","CD_UNT_ISO":"PCE","CURR_ISO":"USD","MATERIAL_EXTERNAL":"","MATERIAL_GUID":"","MATERIAL_VERSION":"","PO_ITM_NO":"","CREATION_DATE":"","CREATION_TIME":"00:00:00","S_UNIT_DLV":"","DLV_UNIT_ISO":"","REA_FOR_RE":"70","PURCH_NO_C":"xcwer","MATERIAL_LONG":"CM-FL-V01"},{"DOC_NUMBER":"0000000728","DOC_DATE":"2018-11-06","PURCH_NO":"xcwer","PRC_STAT_H":"C","DLV_STAT_H":"C","REQ_DATE_H":"2018-11-06","DLV_BLOCK":"","ITM_NUMBER":"000020","MATERIAL":"CM-FL-V00","SHORT_TEXT":"Forklift","REQ_DATE":"2018-11-06","REQ_QTY":7.0,"CUM_CF_QTY":0.0,"SALES_UNIT":"ST","NET_VALUE":58800.0,"CURRENCY":"USD","NET_PRICE":8400.0,"COND_P_UNT":1.0,"COND_UNIT":"ST","DLV_STAT_I":"C","DELIV_NUMB":"","DELIV_ITEM":"000000","DELIV_DATE":"","DLV_QTY":0.0,"REF_QTY":0.0,"S_UNIT_ISO":"PCE","CD_UNT_ISO":"PCE","CURR_ISO":"USD","MATERIAL_EXTERNAL":"","MATERIAL_GUID":"","MATERIAL_VERSION":"","PO_ITM_NO":"","CREATION_DATE":"","CREATION_TIME":"00:00:00","S_UNIT_DLV":"","DLV_UNIT_ISO":"","REA_FOR_RE":"70","PURCH_NO_C":"xcwer","MATERIAL_LONG":"CM-FL-V00"}]} Logic App
  18. SAP Sales Order can have multiple Line Items, so we have to iterate in them. Add na For Each action and as parameter, STATUSINFO from Parse JSON previous action. Logic App
  19. Inside the For Each loop add a Compose action. It will allow for us to pick desired fields for each line and build a JSON that suits our needs. Logic App
  20. Build the desired JSON using the sample JSON below and replacing fields enclosed by <> using Dynamic Inputs as inputs (make sure you keep the commas) { "Order": <DOC_NUMBER>, "Date": <DOC_DATE>, "Item": <MATERIAL>, "Description": <SHORT_TEXT>, "Quantity": <REQ_QTY>, "Price": <NET_PRICE> } Logic App
  21. Inside the For Each loop, after Compose, add na action Append to array variable. Select outputArray previously initialized as empty and for Value Outputs from Compose action Logic App
  22. Once For Each runs and populates outputArray with the desired data, we will convert it to an HTML table. Add a Create HTML table Action and use the outputArray as the data for the table. Logic App
  23. Finally, we will add an action Send an email from Office 365 Outlook. You may need to connect Logic Apps with Office 365, by clicking on Change connection as did previously for SAP. Logic App
  24. Let’s now build the email template that will be used on every invocation
    • To: Destination email
    • Subject: Details for order (replace with dynamic content)
    • Body: as picture below Logic App
  25. As the API response we will add a Response action and return
    • Status Code: 200
    • Body: JsonResponse from Dynamic inputs Logic App
  26. Don’t forget to click SAVE !!!! ;) Logic App

If everything wen’t fine, we are ready to test the lab we just built, with NO CODE at all !